Last updated: March 13, 2024

Gamegroove FZCO and its affiliates (referred to as “Gamegroove”, “Gamegroove Capital”, “we”, “us”, “our”) respect your privacy. We have prepared this Privacy Policy on the recruiting process (“Notice”) in compliance with EU Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”). This Privacy Policy explains what Gamegroove Capital does with the personal data of users whose data we collect and process. This includes data gathered via the Gamegroove website (referred to as the “website”), through, and data collected and processed from applications, either for employment or other contractual relations (“applicants”).

Gamegrooce FZCO is a general data controller for the personal data collected through the website. Each Gamegroove entity is a data controller for the personal data of its applicants.

Contact information:
Dubai Silicon Oasis, DDP, Building A, UAE. Registration Number DCO-FZCO-16398, Licence Number 17814

GUNZILLA GmbH (Germany)
Grueneburgweg str. 16-18 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Company ID: HRB 119933.
The EU Representative of Gamegroove is Gamegroove GmbH.

Table of contents
  1. What information does Gamegroove collect?
  2. How does Gamegroove use your personal information?
  3. How does Gamegroove collect your information?
  4. How long does Gamegroove store your information?
  5. Does Gamegroove share your information?
  6. How secure is your information?
  7. What choices and control do you have regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information?
  8. How will you know when Gamegroove updates this policy?
  9. What if you have questions or complaints?

1. What Information does Gamegroove collect?
Personal data (“data”) is any information relating to you that, alone or in combination with other information, allows a person collecting and processing such information to identify you as an individual. The term ‘processing’ includes collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, using, and disclosing.
Information required to submit a startup pitch deck.
To submit a startup pitch deck through our website (, you need to provide your full name and email address.
During the pitch deck review, Gamegroove collects a range of information about you, including the following:
  • Your contact details, including your telephone number and social media handles;
  • Company information (country of legal incorporation, list of founders, nature of business)
  • References;
  • Personal data voluntarily submitted in your pitch deck, or elsewhere as part of your startup form;
Your Personal Data is compiled into a “virtual resume/CV” and stored via the online service defined below. As a rule, Gamegroove does not collect or process sensitive data unless you expressly submit it via your application. However, concerning employees, it may be required by law to collect and process data relating to criminal convictions and offenses as well as concerning health. Please note, you will be additionally and separately informed if Gamegroove is required to collect and process such data.
Information you send us via requests and inquiries
To contact us with requests or questions, you will be asked to provide us with your name, email address, and the type of inquiry. In addition, you may provide us with more specific information regarding your request in the message attached to your contact information.
Marketing newsletter
To subscribe to our newsletter, you will need to provide us with your email address.
We will process your email for as long as you are happy with receiving emails from us. You can withdraw your consent at any time and opt out from marketing emails by simply contacting us directly.
The withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on previous consent. You can also opt-out from receiving our newsletter containing personalized offers and the latest product and services updates by clicking the appropriate button within our emails to you.
Website usage statistic data
During your use of the website, we collect your IP logs. The data categories we receive may include the model of device, operating system, country of geolocation, user ID, pages viewed, links clicked, and the date, time, and duration of the user session.
A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto your device, such as a computer or smartphone, when you access our website. It allows us to recognize your device and store some information about your preferences or past actions.
We use cookies to appropriately run the website, personalize its content for you, analyze traffic, and provide you with more relevant advertisements. To learn more about the cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.
Our website embeds Google Fonts, a web font service that offers API to deliver font files. When you visit our website, your browser sends HTTP requests (including IP address) to the Google Fonts Web API which logs details of such HTTP requests (requested URL, user agent, and referrer). The logged data is used for debugging purposes, generating aggregate usage statistics, etc. For more information, please visit Google Fonts Privacy FAQ.

2. How does Gamegroove use your personal information?
Gamegroove will process your personal data only when we have a lawful basis to do so. Specifically, Gamegroove processes your personal data in the following cases.
(1) Applicants
Gamegroove collects and processes the data of applicants pursuant to:
  • Gamegroove’s legitimate interests (Art. 6.1 (f) of the GDPR), such as management of the recruitment process, assessment and confirmation of applicants’ suitability for vacant positions, and decision-making with who to offer positions to. Legitimate interests shall also cover the transmission of personal data for internal HR purposes within Gamegroove’s affiliates and their employees. Please note that the achievement of the aforementioned legitimate purposes is in the best interests of your application.
  • Legal obligations (Art. 6.1 (c) of the GDPR) that Gamegroove shall perform, including those necessary to carry out background checks as to an applicants’ eligibility to be employed or to work under a contract. We will use information obtained from applicants in connection with our recruitment efforts to:
  • Process your startup application;
  • Verify the information you have provided;
  • Manage your relationship with us;
  • Improve our pitch deck review process;
  • Comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
In advance, we will use the information obtained from your application to make decisions about recruitment or appointment and to determine the terms on which you will work for or with us. Additionally, we may keep this data in order to contact you for further job opportunities or open positions.
Please note that we do not share, sell, or lease personal data about applicants with any third parties for their marketing use. Gamegroove will not use or share personal data of applicants except as described in this Privacy Policy.
(1.2) If your application was not successful
  • If your application is not successful, Gamegroove will keep your personal data on file in case there are future job opportunities for which you may be suited. Concerning this specific situation, Gamegroove will ask the applicants for consent (Art. 6.1 (a) of the GDPR) before it keeps personal data for such purposes. Applicants are free to withdraw consent at any time by contacting us at
  • Without limitation to the foregoing, Gamegroove may additionally invoke its legitimate interests (Art. 6.1 (f) of the GDPR) to process personal data under such circumstances, but only to the extent the respective collection and processing of personal data does not violate your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.
(2) Website Users
(2.1) Information you send us via requests and inquiries
You may use the contact form on our website to send us questions or any other requests. We will collect and process this data on the basis of legitimate interest (Art. 6.1 (f) of the GDPR). Our legitimate interest lies in our desire to answer inquiries. We will use this information solely to contact you back and assist you with your request.
(2.2) Marketing newsletter
You may subscribe to our newsletter to receive information on updates, new services, offers, and products. We will collect and process the above-mentioned information on the basis of your consent (Art. 6.1 (a) of the GDPR).
(2.3) Website usage statistic data
During your use of our services, we collect usage data for analytical purposes. We use this data on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6.1 (f) of the GDPR) to ensure the safety of our website, facilitate debugging and improvement, and to conduct marketing analysis of the use of our website.

3. How does Gamegroove collect your information
(1) Applicants
During the application process, we will process the information directly provided by you in your application or other coverage documents. In advance, we will process the results of your competency test, which the Recruitment Team will support you with alongside your interview(s).
(2) Website Users
(2.1.) Information you send us via requests and inquiries
We will only collect information that was directly provided by you in our contact form for questions and inquiries.
(2.2) Marketing newsletter
To subscribe to our newsletter, you will need to provide us with your email. We will only collect email addresses provided to us via our newsletter subscription form.
(2.3) Website usage statistic data and Cookies
We automatically collect usage statistics during your time on the website. To learn more about cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

4. How long does Gamegroove store your Information?
(1) Applicants
Your personal data will be processed and stored during the whole pitch deck review process as well as throughout your investment relations if your application is successful. If your application is unsuccessful, Gamegroove will enable you to expressly opt-out regarding further processing in the respective email you receive from us. If you do not opt-out, we will hold your data on file.
(3) Sending requests and inquiries
We will store the information we process in regards to your requests and inquiries for as long as we keep in touch with you. Moreover, we will keep this information for an additional one year after your last contact with us.
(4) Marketing newsletter
We will store your email for four years after subscription to our newsletter or until you opt out from receiving our newsletters.
(5) Website usage statistic data
We will store your personal data for the purposes of collecting website usage statistics for six months after your last use of our website.
(6) Cookies
To learn more about cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.

5. Does Gamegroove share your information?
The personal data of applicants will be shared internally for due diligence purposes. This includes members of the investment teams at Gamegroove, legal team, accountant and IT staff if access to the data is necessary for the performance of their roles.
We also use the following third-party providers and project management, CRM services to collect, manage, analyze, or otherwise process your data:
  • We may use social network services e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, to initially contact you for investment purposes
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Task, document, and communication software providers
Your data may be transferred outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) to facilitate our recruitment process, though only within affiliates, employees, and contractors of Gamegroove. For example, data may be transferred to the United States or Ukraine. Data is transferred outside the EEA on the basis of respective legally binding safeguards incorporated into documents with such persons. This is achieved by applying appropriate safeguards (including the Standard Data Protection Contractual Clauses Adopted by the European Commission and EU Data Protection laws), as well as taking technical measures to ensure the information is protected when stored, used, and while being processed and transferred. Please note that third-party providers/contractors can only process your data on our behalf and do not use it for their own purposes.
Other Disclosures
In addition to the purposes previously identified, we may disclose information about you:
  • If we are required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights
  • In case we sell, licence, or otherwise assign our company, corporate rights, app, or its separate parts or features to third parties
Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, we will not sell, share, or rent your information to third parties.

6. How secure is your information
Gamegroove uses technical and organizational measures to ensure your data is processed in an appropriately secure manner, including protecting it against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage. Our employees and subcontractors also keep strict confidentiality and prevent unauthorized third-party access to personal information.

7. What choices and control do you have regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information?
With regard to the data, we collect and process about you, you have the right:
  • To access your personal data processed by Gamegroove and a right to data portability; in other words, ask for the list of personal data currently processed and its respective purposes
  • To request Gamegroove rectify your personal data if it requires corrections
  • To request Gamegroove erase personal data providing its processing is no longer necessary. The same should happen if we do not have legal grounds for processing anymore. In most cases, Gamegroove will erase it unless otherwise required by legislation
  • To restrict the processing of your personal data by Gamegroove if you contest the accuracy of the data or for different reasons.
  • To object to the processing of your personal data by Gamegroove when the processing is related to the performance of our task carried out in the public interest or the exercise of official authority vested in us. This is also applicable if we process your data for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party and you believe that such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. If you make a request with an objection to processing, we will no longer process your personal data unless we are able to demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds to continue to do so.

8. How will you know when Gamegroove updates this Privacy?
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting a new version on our website. We advise you to check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes. However, we will endeavor to provide you with an announcement about any significant changes.

9. What if you have questions or complaints?
Any requests to exercise your rights can be directed to Gamegroove through the contact details here hello@gamegroove.vcIf you believe that our use of your data violates your rights, you can lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.